As long as you can love and admire,
you shall stay young forever !
- Pablo Casals -
Dear Human,
Do you know what you are ?
You are a marvel .
You are unique .
In all the world
there is no other child
exactly like you .
In all the years that have passed ,
there has never been
another child like you .
And look at your body ,
what a wonder it is !
Your legs, your arms ,
your clever fingers, the way you move .
You may become a Shakespeare ,
a Michelangelo,
a Beethoven .
You have the capacity for anything .
Yes, you are a marvel .
And when you grow up ,
can you then harm
another who is, like you, a marvel ?
- Pablo Casals -
For those , who do not love ,
music expels all hatred .
To the restless it gives peace ,
and it comforts the weeping .
Those, who do not know any further,
find new ways ,
and to those , who reject everything ,
there arises new security
and hope .
- Pablo Casals -